Work Showcase
Employment types
Part Time
Full Time
Learn, gain experience and get paid. You’re an employee with a contract of employment and holiday leave. By the end of an apprenticeship, you'll have the right skills and knowledge needed for a career in Horticulture.
For employees who value freedom, casual contracts offer choice. Casual employees get to choose what work to accept according to their own schedules.
Become part of our full-time team Monday - Friday and thrive in a happy and content work environment.
Team events
Throughout the year we plan events where the entire team gets a payed day off work to take part in fun activities. This gives everyone an oppertunity to get to know different members of the team and have a great time. This can involve golfing trips, a day at the horse races, go-carting, or even something simple such as the team going for a free meal and drink at the local pub.